Confident Clear & Hired: Made for Leaders Navigating Career Paths

Ep. 40 Confidence and Language Barriers

Melissa Carvalho Season 2

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Barriers. They're everywhere! There's so many that exists, but how to do we navigate through them successfully in a way that we can use them to our advantage?
In this episode we discussed:

1. How confidence plays into barriers
2.  Increasing your self-esteem
3. Perception vs. Reality 

And here are 3 suggestions to increase your self-esteem 

  1. Breathwork and breathing helps relieve stress. It’s a great way to get rid of the nerves that you have.
  2. Having good posture, good posture helps with projection and communication. Good posture can also help with the tone that you project when you’re sleeping. Here’s the thing this is important for both video and in-person interviews and practicing your posture is an easy adjustment with an impact
  3. Speak slowly, not like slow, but make sure you’re not rushing yourself either. When you speak slowly it will help with you understanding yourself and your direction and give you more control.

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